Does every day seem like a struggle?

Do you long to experience peace and contentment?

Are you tired of feeling anxious and depressed day in and day out?

Do you feel lost and alone?


If you answered "yes" to any of the questions above or have similar struggles, we would love to walk alongside you during this challenging season you are facing.  Our counselors aim to provide you with encouragement and hope through the words of the Bible, the work of the Holy Spirit, and the person of Jesus Christ. 


Our biblical counseling team consists of lay counselors who are certified biblical counselors from the Association of Biblical Counseling. 


To request biblical counseling click on the button below and fill out a biblical counseling assessment form. Someone from our team will review your forms and reach out to you as soon as possible. Our biblcial counseling team provides 4-6 free sessions. 


  • Do you need premarital counseling?
  • Do you have theological questions?
  • Do you need to talk about the church or your community?
  • Do you need advice on how to take next steps as a growing disciple?
  • Do you want to talk about your spiritual gifts and how you might use them?
  • Do you simply need a Pastor to pray for you?

 To request to talk to a Pastor click the button below and someone from our pastoral team will reach out to you as soon as possible. 

 Para solicitar hablar con un pastor, haga clic en el botón a continuación y alguien de nuestro equipo pastoral de habla hispana se comunicará con usted lo antes posible.


Who are the Counselors?
Who is Biblical Counseling For?
When Can I Meet?
What We Expect From You
Is This Confidential?
Security and Training Consent
What if I Don't Go To Central Bible Church?
How can I join the Volunteer Lay Counseling Team?


Kimmie Jo


I’m so thankful for Central Counseling. During my pit of despair, I looked to books, friends, paid counseling. I was so broken and didn’t have tools and wording for my hurts.  My counselor taught me how to see God as good again! God used Central Counseling to bring me healing and provide me with necessary tools.

My issue was seeing my mistakes as failures and then condemning myself.  This was the tape playing in my head way too often. My counselor immediately took me to scripture to see how even the most well known  people in the Bible had great flaws and mistakes, but how God restored each person and led them to be the pillars of scripture we love and imitate today.  I highly recommend this amazing group of counselors!

In my six sessions, I learned that I had viewed my career as Director of Nursing as an all-consuming idol that I worshipped. As I met with my counselor, I thought I needed time management skills, but my counselor challenged me with scripture and in prayer. This enabled me to better understand my identity in Christ which changed my priorities and defined God’s true call for my life. Thank you to Central Bible Church for providing a ministry to me that I didn’t think I needed until God allowed my life to get difficult.

Before we started counseling, through Central, we were on the brink of divorce. Due to years of not communicating effectively, not loving one another correctly, and not being afraid to hurt each other. After a big incident, we decided it was either counseling or divorce. After just 5 sessions we have made leaps and bounds in our relationship with the Lord and with each other. Our counselors have been a lighthouse directing us to Gods word and His promises for our marriage. We wouldn’t be where we are now without Central Counseling. 

I was seeking help over inner struggles that I could not overcome on my own. Although I do not attend CBC as my local home church, I felt welcomed from the introductory email from the counselor whom I was paired with. Throughout the course of our six sessions together, I tangibly experienced God's grace as we walked through Scripture passages, talked through past experiences, engaged in homework activities, and even attended a youth worship night together. 

Central counseling has been the conduit of God’s wisdom and faithfulness in our lives in the midst of confusion and varied options.  We sought counsel on parenting and adoption.  Our counselor took the time to fully understand our personal story before giving advice. This ministry has been a direct blessing to our family, and we are very thankful for it. 

Celebrate Recovery (CR) offers weekly support, encouragement and hope to those seeking freedom from their hurts, hang-ups and habits.

Re|Engage is a marriage enrichment program. Marriages in any condition can benefit, whether you are struggling to get along, your marriage is broken, or you simply want to grow closer together as a couple. Re|Engage examines God’s design for marriage and applies principles from the Bible to guide couples towards growth in their relationship with each other.